The Norwood setting for SATB choir and organ

The Norwood setting (Holy communion/Eucharist) for A Prayer Book for Australia or any Anglican/Episcopalian or similar service for SATB choir and organ (1989). (From the early days of typesetting music, using Helvetica!)

The Auburn setting for upper voices (unison, SAA, SSAAA unaccompied)

The Auburn setting (Holy communion/Eucharist) for A Prayer Book for Australia or any Anglican/Episcopalian or similar service for upper voices (boys and/or women unison, SAA, SSAAA) (2004)

Korean eucharist (감사성찬례) for choir and organ

Korean eucharist (감사성찬례) for choir (with soprano soloist) and organ (2007-2015). When I lived in South Korea, I attended the Korean Anglican church (대한성공회). Its prayer book has a small number of congregational and small choir settings, and there are larger settings which the choir of Seoul Cathedral sang. I wrote a small choir settingContinue reading “Korean eucharist (감사성찬례) for choir and organ”

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